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Achieving and Maintaining a More Balanced Diet

 How can I be healthier in my eating habits and eat more in line with my physiology? In my new book, Whole Man: Unleashing the Potential of the Modern Man, I list 10 positive changes you can introduce into your daily diet. You may choose to take on board 1 or 2 of these changes or all of them. Perhaps you may want to intorduce a new one each week, so that over 10 weeks, your mind and body can adapt gradually to these changes.

So here goes.

1.  Drink at least two liters of fresh water per day. Drink a glass of water before retiring to bed and a large glass of water with a lemon juiced in it upon waking. This will assist your body in flushing out the waste products released by cells overnight, while the body has been inactive physically.

2.  Begin raw juicing. Drink raw vegetable juice (fifteen minutes after your water) each morning. Raw vegetable juice is low in calories, and high in nutrients, active enzymes, and antioxidants. A juice made from carrot, celery, parsley, and beetroot is a great liver cleanser.

3. Bring awareness to your eating. Savour your food. Enjoy its flavours and textures while chewing slowly. You will tend to reach a sensation of fullness on less food by doing so.

4.  Cook from basics. Try to use canned food as little as possible. By doing this, you gain all of the nutritional benefits of eating fresh food while also eliminating large amounts of artificial additives. Haven’t got time? Make time. Put aside an hour or two each weekend to cook a couple of main meals to cover dinner for the week.

5.  Try to make 50 percent of your meals raw food. Fresh vegetables, in particular, aid the digestion process, reduce calorie intake, and provide high levels of nutrients—some of which would otherwise be destroyed by the cooking process.

6. Avoid drinking with meals. This dilutes your stomach acid, slowing down digestion.

7.Avoid excessive intake of coffee and alcohol. Drink them in moderation.

8. Listen to your body. If you are hungry, eat. If you are not, don’t eat. Have a water, juice, or tea instead. Try to get out of the habit of having to eat three fixed meals every day.

9. Eat a variety of foods each week. We like variety in our life generally—and so do our bodies when it comes to food! Not only do we obtain a good cross section of nutrients, but it makes eating much more interesting.   

10. Take good quality nutritional supplements to complement your diet. Don’t go overboard, but rather source out a supplement regime that is high in quality, which doesn’t involve taking ten different products a day! Ideally such a regime should include three things: a broad spectrum multi-supplement, liquid mineral water, and essential fatty acid supplement.

I hope these simple suggestions help you to develop healthier eating habits.



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